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 Brooklyn Banana Bread Company

The Brooklyn Banana Bread Company was birthed out of a desire to show gratitude to frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seeing the harsh impacts faced by healthcare & essential workers, Sean Reynolds armed himself with his mother’s prized recipe and answered the call to help by creating a business that strives to honor those who risk their lives to get our country back to optimal health. Sean was once told, “Your problem is that you want to change the world.” This statement left an impression on him and made him wonder, “Why not change the world?” His goal is to do so: one person, one family, one community, one banana bread at a time. Raised on strong family values of hard work, love, and giving back, Sean has always had a passion for helping low-income communities. In 2019, he helped to raise $20,000 to feed 500 homeless families in the Brooklyn area.


“Delicious, soft and amazing.”

 -Leigh T.


“Omg this is the absolute best most amazing banana bread I’ve ever tasted!”

-Marie W

“Amazing!! Sent from heaven.”

  -Pascale B.


“I support companies that support the Community.”

-David V.

The Brooklyn Banana Bread Company’s mission is to continue supporting the local community and grow to reach communities around the country.